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What is the Inner Voice?

The inner voice is that internal monologue we hear in the back of our minds. It’s the voice that tells us stories about ourselves and others, determines how we interpret the world around us, and directs the decisions we make throughout our lives.  

How is the Inner Voice Developed?

Children are not born with an inner voice; it is formed in early childhood by the messages they hear from their parents, caregivers, and loved ones. In the early stages of development, the inner voice is not a personal experience but a shared one between child and caregivers. The things we say to our little ones and the behaviors we model become their inner voice.  

Why is the Inner Voice Important?

Once the inner voice is established, what is said in our head and out loud become our identity. We are the creator of our story and what we say, what we focus on, become our reality. A strong and positive inner voice tells us we are capable when faced with challenges; it helps us make decisions that have a positive impact on our lives.

Why Say Affirmations?

Affirmations help take external praise like “You did a good job” and internalize it into “I did a good job.” It allows a child to start saying positive statements about themselves and helps shape their inner voice into one that is strong and supportive.

How Do Slumberkins Help?

Slumberkins uses interactive affirmations and supportive narratives to promote positive messaging and the development of a strong inner voice — helping parents and caregivers raise resilient, caring, and confident children.

Meet Our Creatures

The creatures in our confidence crew focus on self-esteem, self-expression, self-acceptance and more. Each creature's story and affirmation reinforce children's believe in themselves and helps them develop a strong inner voice.


The Self-Esteem Collection supports confidence building with messages of self-love, positive attachments and self confidence, helping children take on new challenges and believe in themselves.


The Conflict Resolution Collection helps support emotional
regulation from an early age, encouraging use of calming techniques, social skills and responsibility.


The Self-Expression Collection teaches children to be bold, listen to their inner voice, and speak up for themselves. Lynx’s story reminds little ones that using their voice to speak their truth is a gift to the world.


The Authenticity Collection teaches little ones that they are important and special just the way they are with messages of bravery, self-love and friendship. Being authentic means being true to who you are and letting your light shine.


The Self-Acceptance Collection teaches little ones perseverance and coping skills for perfectionism. Yak's story reminds children that they are enough, just as they are, and they don't need to be perfect to love themselves.