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Slumberkins Slumberkins

Episode Four | Story One

Super Speedy Spin Cone

When all of Fox’s friends show up to a playdate with an awesome new spinning toy, Fox wants one too! But when he asks his Mom to buy him one, and she says they can’t right now, Fox gets very frustrated.

The Story Explores

Connecting with Friends | Wanting New Toys | Disappointment

Children learn that they don’t need a special toy to play with their friends.

Bring the lessons to life!

Here are a few questions that can help you and your child connect with the story more deeply:

Understand It: How did Fox feel when his friends all had super speedy spin cones and he didn't have one?

Apply It: Have you ever felt like Fox? What was that like?

Pro Tip: The desire to be part of a group is usually why children ask for new toys. When we identify what’s underneath children’s desires, we can help them solve problems and meet their needs.

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“We don't need things to bring us together. To play and have fun, we just need each other.”


Episode Four | Story Two

Special Collection

Sloth gives Unicorn a special blue pebble, and she loves it! Sloth goes to look for more pebbles, worried that if he doesn’t bring Unicorn gifts, she won’t want to be his friend.

The Story Explores

Anxiety | Friendship | Self-Worth

Children learn they don't have to give gifts to make friends. Good friends will like you for you!

Bring the lessons to life!

Here are a few questions that can help you and your child connect with the story more deeply:

Understand It: Why did Sloth want to get all those blue pebbles for Unicorn?

Apply It: Have you ever felt worried that someone didn’t want to be your friend? If so, what did you do? Who are the people in your life that care about you no matter what?

Pro Tip: We can help teach children what true friendship looks like by asking them what they like about their friends and what makes them a good friend to others.

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“Our friendship is real. Our connection is strong. I don't need to give gifts for me to belong.”


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