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Morning Affirmations for Kids Morning Affirmations for Kids

15 Morning Affirmations for Kids to Grow Their Self-Confidence

by Sarah Block • 10 December 2023

If you feel like your kids could use a little extra boost to their mornings, a positive affirmation practice might be just what you’re looking for. Morning is a perfect time for affirmations because it’s easy to build into your child’s regular routine alongside combing their hair and brushing their teeth. 

Plus, morning affirmations for kids set the tone for a day filled with positivity, courage, and an extra sprinkle of self-confidence. It can help foster emotional intelligence in kids to lead them to self-acceptance and emotional courage.

And there’s solid science to back them up. Affirmations are a form of positive self-talk that can rewire the brain to build new patterns of happiness and optimistic thinking.1 Here, we’ll cover tips for creating an effective affirmation practice, along with ideas for daily affirmations that will grow positive feelings and energy.

The Science Behind Morning Affirmations

One of the most wonderful things about our brains is that they are always ready and willing to be reshaped, thanks to a brain superpower called neuroplasticity.2 With some effort and time, we can physically change the connections in our brains. Positive self-talk is one proven way of doing this. 

Practicing self-affirmation has been shown to3:

  • Increase brain activity around memory, decision-making, and social skills4
  • Boost problem-solving skills
  • Reduce levels of stress hormones
  • Protect the body from mental and physical effects of stress

Taking a few minutes each day to remind yourself that you’re a capable, worthy person is all it takes to eventually improve both your physical and mental health. Isn’t that a beautiful habit to teach your child right from the start?

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The Morning Advantage

The morning hours are when a child’s brain is primed to take in new information and practice new ways of thinking. The day is just beginning, and your child might be thinking about the challenges ahead. If they are worried about anything at school, like a test or problem with a friend, a positive outlook can decrease their stress levels and help them feel more confident and prepared. 

Try building your child’s affirmation practice into their morning routine while they’re in front of the mirror to brush their teeth or wash their face.

  • Write an affirmation on a colorful card and post it by the mirror
  • Give them a few extra minutes in their morning routine to say their affirmation
  • Encourage your child to smile at themselves as they speak—another proven stress-buster5

Mindfulness and Morning Routines

Morning affirmations pair perfectly with a side of mindfulness. Both affirmations and mindfulness are most effective when they’re practiced consistently. Pairing them together ensures you reserve time for both.

Try setting aside an additional five minutes before or after affirmations for a simple mindfulness exercise:

  • Sit or lie down with your child and take five deep, slow breaths together
  • Encourage them to place their hands or a stuffie on their belly to feel their breath moving in and out
  • After doing your breathing exercise, share a moment of gratitude for the day ahead—the sun in the sky, your strong healthy bodies, or anything else you want to celebrate

15 Positive Morning Affirmations to Boost Kids' Confidence

There’s no right or wrong when it comes to choosing an affirmation. Your child might benefit most from reminding themselves that they are capable, that they are lovable, or that their family will always be there for them—it all depends on their unique needs and challenges. 

Affirmations Rooted in Self-Worth

These self-esteem affirmations are all about reminding your child that they are lovable and valuable exactly as they are:

  • I am enough
  • I believe in myself
  • I love being me
  • I am a special person
  • I am proud of myself

Affirmations Emphasizing Resilience and Adaptability

These positive affirmations can help if your child needs a reminder that they can handle challenges and change:

  • Challenges help me grow
  • I am brave and face my fears
  • My mistakes help me learn
  • I can solve problems
  • I can ask for help

Affirmations Celebrating Individuality and Uniqueness

Help your child celebrate their individuality and their personal strengths with these affirmations:

  • I am unique and that's my strength
  • There's no one else quite like me
  • I make the world a better place
  • I am loved for who I am
  • I am the only me in the world

Maximizing the Impact of Morning Affirmations

If your child has trouble remembering their affirmation, try adding a visual element by making a colorful card or poster for their wall. Even if your child is a pre-reader, a visual representation can help reinforce their memory by providing a cue to focus on.

After your child chooses an affirmation:

  • Write it for them on a card or piece of colorful paper
  • Let them add embellishment with colors, stickers, a drawing, etc. 
  • Post their creation where it will remind them to do their affirmation every day
  • Encourage your child to picture their affirmation card any time they need a little confidence boost during the day

Brighten Your Day with Morning Affirmations and the Magic of Slumberkins

A morning affirmation practice for kids is one of the best ways you can prepare your child to sail through new situations and challenges with a smile. Luckily, it couldn’t be easier to learn the superpower of self-acceptance, thanks to the Slumberkins team.

Bigfoot, Yak, Unicorn, and the gang are all about knowing you’re enough and loving yourself just as you are. Each character, their books, and related activities help you reinforce the power of affirmations in a way that’s easy and fun. Start making a positive change in your child’s world with a little help from Slumberkins today.


  1. Cohen, Geoffrey L, and David K Sherman. “The psychology of change: self-affirmation and social psychological intervention.” Annual review of psychology vol. 65 (2014): 333-71. doi:10.1146/annurev-psych-010213-115137
  2. "Neuroplasticity 101." BrainFutures. 
  3. Creswell, J David et al. “Affirmation of personal values buffers neuroendocrine and psychological stress responses.” Psychological science vol. 16,11 (2005): 846-51. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9280.2005.01624.x
  4. Cascio, Christopher N et al. “Self-affirmation activates brain systems associated with self-related processing and reward and is reinforced by future orientation.” Social cognitive and affective neuroscience vol. 11,4 (2016): 621-9. doi:10.1093/scan/nsv136
  5. Kraft, Tara L, and Sarah D Pressman. “Grin and bear it: the influence of manipulated facial expression on the stress response.” Psychological science vol. 23,11 (2012): 1372-8. doi:10.1177/0956797612445312



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