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Slumberkins Slumberkins
Teaching children conflict resolution skills Teaching children conflict resolution skills

Introducing Hammerhead Shark

by Callie Christensen • 20 May 2017

Hammerhead’s story focuses on building social skills around conflict resolution for little ones. Like all of our Slumberkins, it is the skill set behind the creature that inspires us to move forward in the design and production process.

Why Conflict Resolution?

Emotional response to frustration is something that all kids work on, starting with the “terrible twos” and on into adulthood. Like Fox, Little Hammerhead’s Sleepytime Rhyme was inspired by one of our own children in the Slumberkins’ family. When a call came home for one of our children because of a conflict on the playground involving his best friend and the swings, the scenario of Hammerhead was set.

Conflict happens everyday

Playground scuffles and arguments are a regular occurrence at all schools. When children are in the security of the structured classroom environment, the rules and expectations are taught and most social situations are guided by the teacher. Once children are out on the playground, they are able to interact and play freely together. This is a valuable time, when children are able to express themselves and make choices on their own. It is inevitable that emotions will get the best of them at times in these social situations.

We see it daily at each of the schools we work at (and in our homes). Meltdowns on the playground because something wasn’t “fair.” A child’s misunderstanding of a friend’s intention with a comment, a disagreement that turns into a flat out argument. At times, especially when children are very young, it can lead to a push or shove or other unsafe behavior due to the lack of the ability to communicate or learned social skills. Little ones so easily have BIG reactions to small problems and often times have difficulty expressing their emotions in a way others would expect.

Resolution is key for practicing social skills

The important lesson for children is that there is often a better way to handle these situations. We spend many hours teaching children (our own included) playground social skills and talking about better ways they can handle a situation and make it right. Many children need help learning how to say “I’m sorry” or reflecting on a reaction and realizing they need to make amends with their friends. It’s all about making things right and moving on.
Hammerhead's book about conflict focuses on the social skills it takes when faced with conflict and learning how to resolve conflict while using narrative therapy techniques, along with positive affirmations.

Click here to read the Sleepytime Rhyme for Hammerhead.



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