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Slumberkins x The 5 Love Languages

I am safe, I am loved.
Even if we are far apart,
I’ll keep you with me.
Held here in my heart.

Our Heart Families reach far and wide: A teacher who encourages growth and learning, a neighbor who ventures to the park with us, our family members and friends. As each new member is introduced into our lives, our Heart Family grows bigger, filling us with joy and appreciation.

This Valentine’s Day, join Hartley and the rest of the Slumberkins cuddly crew to celebrate our Heart Families in creative and fun ways. Show children how to express their love using the 5 Love Languages™ outlined below, to help them understand that love can be shown through actions, words, touch, time spent together, and gift-giving.

Words of Affirmation

Positive affirmations are woven into each Slumberkins story. They guide children in recognizing the positive qualities that give them courage and help them through challenging moments. Children can easily repeat Words of Affirmation from the earliest ages.

Ideas include:

  • Read Slumberkins board books for inspiration! What affirmation does your child love? Show them how to shift the affirmation from an “I” statement to a “You” statement and practice telling a Heart Family member, “You are brave!” “You are unique!” “You are loved!
  • Personalize this meaningful practice by creating an affirmation around the qualities of your child’s personality, focusing on inner traits like kindness, generosity, or thoughtfulness rather than physical appearance.

Quality Time

This language is all about sharing experiences through giving someone your undivided attention. Even 5 minutes of quality time can make a huge difference in your child’s day. Support them in choosing activities that they know both themselves and their Heart Family member will enjoy together.

Ideas include:

  • Join your child’s world! Whether they want to dance, color, or play with toys, let your child lead the activity. Then connect and reflect by asking them questions about how the activity makes them feel and ask your child to describe what they like about it.
  • Download the Slumberkins Coloring Sheets and Valentine’s Day Cards and enjoy artistic creating together.

Acts of Service

As parents, we constantly use this Love Language with our children. Making them a favorite snack, fixing their broken toy, helping them with homework…an act of service helps them feel loved and cared after. For those who communicate using this Love Language, actions really do speak louder than words.

Ideas include:

  • Use these Valentine’s Day Cards as a lunchbox note.
  • Affirm to your child that when they complete their household chores, they are showing that they care.
  • Teach them to offer a helping hand when they have completed their responsibilities.

Physical Touch

Cuddles, hugs, and high-fives mean the world to children. Physical touch not only communicates love and care, it is also important in calming and co-regulating during stressful times. There are many ways for children to appropriately engage in physical touch with Heart Family members. (One important reminder for kiddos is to first check that the other person is comfortable with physical contact.)

Ideas include:

  • Snuggles, snuggles, snuggles. As parents, we can’t get enough of these!
  • Creating a handshake with all sorts of cool moves!

Gift Giving

This is the most commonly thought about Love Language and a simple way to express affection for someone in our child’s Heart Family. You can take this a step further by including other Love Languages!

Ideas include:

Our Friends with Heart Collection embodies these 5 Love Languages.

No matter what you or your little one’s love language is, the bond of a loving caregiver will support children in building their internal world. Practice connecting with your child in an intentional way that cultivates emotional well-being this Valentine’s Day.


  • Robin

    My primary love language is receiving (and giving) gifts… I love picking out perfect presents for my loved ones and love when someone gives me something that shows that they were thinking about me, no matter how small!

  • Jane Wieberg

    Quality time was my top love language. I’ve always been a “keep memories not things” kind of person. It can be anything, cooking, going for walks, a visit to the zoo, spending time with my loved ones is my favorite time of day.

  • Erin Harris

    Quality time and acts of service! Date nights are always appreciated, but I love when my husband helps out with the kiddos, picks my daughter up from school without asking or let’s me sleep in after a late night with the baby.

  • Caty M

    I got acts of service! When my husband and I first got married he was in the army and we went to a marriage retreat where they spoke on this! It was fun to take the quiz again 7 years later and realize since we’ve had kids my love language has actually changed! I’ll be having him take it again also to see if his changed! Such a great reminder ❤️

  • Cherish Hughes

    My top Love Language is physical touch. Hugs, kisses, cuddling, just a pat on the back means so much to me and makes me feel safe, secure, appreciated, and loved!

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