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Why Every Child Should Have a Comfort Corner

We’re BIG believers in safe spaces to unwind and self-regulate. We wanted to make it easy for parents, caregivers, and educators to implement these corners in their homes and classrooms, and explain how each object and step contributes to the calming routine.

Comfort Corners offer children a safe space to calm down when they get overwhelmed with their big emotions. Children find comfort in a cozy environment, sensory tools & positive affirmations. All children are different, you may need to test out what works best for your little one.

There’s no should or should not when it comes to having feelings. They’re part of who we are and their origins are beyond our control. When we can believe that, we may find it easier to make constructive choices about what to do with those feelings.  - Mr Fred Rogers 

The Scenario

If you're a parent, chances are pretty high that you’ve dealt with a meltdown or two… or two hundred. The cracker that broke in half and can't be fixed, the sock that doesn't fit, the container that won't open, the food is too hot, or too cold, or too colorful…. you name it, we've all been there. These problems may feel small to us, but in the eyes of your child, a situation like this can seem very big. Whether these moments feel overwhelming, frustrating, sad, or hilarious, all we want is for our little ones to feel better and go back to being their happy little selves as quickly as possible.

Situations (no matter how big or small) create feelings, and feelings result in a response. For example, the broken cracker scenario. First, the cracker breaks. Next, reality strikes that this can't be changed and the child has a flood of feelings, including frustration, anger, and sadness. Finally, the child responds by throwing the cracker and themselves onto the kitchen floor, screaming "It's ruined! I can't eat it! It won't go back together."

Situations = Broken Cracker     Feeling = Frustrated      Response = Tantrum

In moments of frustration our children can be very overwhelmed, and all these different big emotions can make it difficult for them to focus on anything else. Attempts at recovering tranquility never seem to work. During these moments, it is helpful to have a designated space, where a child has access to tools that can assist them in supporting those big feelings.

Introduce a Comfort Corner

From years of experience in the classroom and in our own homes, we know how helpful it can be to create a safe and comforting space for children. This space can be used in a variety of situations -- a place to soothe big feelings or just a quiet place to unwind after a long day. Young children are still learning to regulate their emotions and how to respond to what can often become overwhelming feelings. Self-regulation is the ability to manage emotions and behaviors when presented with upsetting or just too much stimuli. More simply put, self-regulation is the ability to stop and think before reacting when faced with a problem. Until a child has developed the skills to self-regulate their emotions, creating a designated Comfort Corner with a variety of tools to help calm down when emotions get too big can be a huge support (for child and parent!). 

Make a Routine

Teach your child a calming routine and show them the choices they have within the Comfort Corner for when their emotions feel too big. Role-play what to do if your child gets upset or just needs to settle into the evening. Practice walking to the Comfort Corner, taking deep breaths, and using the tools you have set up to support your child. The Comfort Corner should be a space used to calm down, not a place of punishment - this is not meant for ‘time-out’. This will help your child understand that negative emotions are normal and okay to have and that they have the ability to self-regulate these feelings. The goal being that when a negative situation occurs, and big feelings increase, your child will use this space to respond in a safe and appropriate manner. The beginning stages of self-regulation! The Comfort Corner is also a great space for a child when they are overly excited and struggling with having a calm body. You can teach a separate routine when this scenario takes place. Remind your child they can take themselves to the Comfort Corner anytime they feel they need to calm down.

Setting Up A Comfort Corner

Read our Parent Resource Guide: How To Create The Perfect Comfort Corner and check out a few of our favorite tools below to help get you started.  

Cozy Environment: 


Comfort Tools:  



Sensory Tools:

DIY: How to Make Sensory Bottles


  • Kristen

    These are great suggestions, though I’d recommend taking water beads down, as they can be very dangerous if ingested.

  • Julie

    The best idea I have ever heard!!!! As I became a new mama this year, this is definitely one of the best ideas I could use!!! It’s a great way our little ones can just reset 😊

  • Lusine Naljayan

    I love this room very much. Thank you for sharing with all of us!!! Great tips for mom ❤️

  • Tami

    What a great idea!! Might have to make this in my bedroom as the kids rooms are too small, but the sensory toys and comfort toys are a great idea. Adding this to my arsenal now that we’re in the terrific twos!

  • Kathleen zolondek

    I wish they had had this concept out there when I was teaching but since I cannot benefit, Teresa Huneke, a kindergarten teacher, certainly can. I do hope she wins. An excellent teacher using this excellent product

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